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Are you looking to learn Spanish to travel, but afraid that it may be too hard? After learning several different languages, including Mandarin, Greek, Spanish, and German; I can easily say that Spanish is definitely the easiest language to learn.

This is because the Spanish language is EXTREMELY similar to English. rosetta stone online The sentence structure, and word pronunciation is just like English.

For example, if I were to say clase de espa?ol in Spanish, it would directly translate to class of English in English. That looks simple enough, right?

The simplicity behind this all makes reading Spanish a breeze, which will be extra good as you are trying to read Spanish signs and brochures during your Spanish vacation.

The main problem that you may encounter when trying to learn Spanish, rosetta stone online outlet  is the large vocabulary list that you will need to learn. But, just like English, you will continually learn Spanish as you interactive with natives. Once you get the basics of Spanish words down, you will be able to figure out almost any sentence.

For instance, the word perfecto in Spanish will translate to perfect in English. There are literally thousands of Spanish words that you will be able to figure out, simply because you already know English.

Another reason that Spanish is the easiest language to learn, is because rosetta stone italian  all of the vowels have a constant sound. Because of this, you will easily be able to learn Spanish to travel.

For instance, in English, the letter can make several different sounds. Like in the word cat it makes a different sound than the word crate. Fortunately for you, the Spanish language will not throw you off like that, so you will be able to figure out the pronunciation of any word you come across!

Now for the big question: Where can I learn Spanish, and how much will It cost me?

Personally, I used the Rocket Spanish Rosetta Stone Dutch online  language learning program. This was the most affordable program that I found, at less than one-fifth the price of Rosetta Stone, and it was sure to do the job.

With 31 hours of audio lessons, tons of down-loadable Ebooks, and megaSpanish games packed full of easy-to-learn vocabulary words, I was able to learn Spanish in just 6 weeks!

But before you purchase Rocket Spanish, I would suggest getting http://vhjgr5245.blog.com the free Spanish Ecourse made by the creators of Rocket Spanish. It covers all of the essentials that you must know before going on a vacation, such as getting through the airport, and communicating at a hotel.

